As it was just Earth Day on Monday the 22nd of April, we at C-Talk thought it important to talk about today's environmentally conscious world- where sustainability has become a top priority for businesses of all kinds.

As it was just Earth Day on Monday the 22nd of April, we at C-Talk thought it important to talk about today’s environmentally conscious world- where sustainability has become a top priority for businesses of all kinds. 

With caps attached to bottles to ensure both get recycled, businesses moving onto plastic-free packaging and innovative ways to reduce our carbon footprint, it is absolutely crucial that we work alongside each other to make the world a better, healthier place to live.

For businesses within the convenience retail sector, it can prove to have even more importance; to have a sustainable, eco-friendly store could also mean being a better business for the community that you serve.

Us retailers have a unique opportunity to make a positive impact by implementing sustainable practices within our stores.

One of the more obvious areas where retailers can make a significant difference is, of course, by reducing single-use plastic. 

Although the most convenient option may be to-go food in plastic packaging or a pot of pasta partnered with plastic utensils, retailers may want to look at more sustainable practices; stocking products with recyclable packaging or investing in wooden/bamboo cutlery, for example.

This way, the convenience in convenience retail is still very much prominent, but without any nasty, lasting effects on the environment.

Retailers may also want to invest in refill stations within their store; taking inspiration from Bradley’s Supermarkets ‘Ditch The Disposables’ station here, where customers can bring their own containers to refill with household essentials such as soap, cereal and cleaner.

Another simple yet effective step towards a greener world may be to encourage customers to bring their own reusable bags. 

Retailers can encourage consumers to bring in their own bags- putting emphasis on the fact that one reused bag is one step closer to a happy, healthy planet. 

Store owners can even stock their own eye-catching and eco-friendly reusable bags at checkout counters, indirectly inspiring customers to make the switch.

Waste management also plays an important part in helping the environment out. Implementing proper waste management practices, such as recycling bins for customers and staff, can help divert waste from landfills. 

Furthermore, although it can’t always be helped- predicted footfall may fall short, human error may take place, etc- retailers may want to be mindful when placing large quantity orders, resulting in less stock to waste off should items go out of date/fail to sell.

Companies that work closely with retailers may also want to monitor the amount of POS that they send out to stores; many of the signage and flyers sent can just end up collecting dust at the back of a cupboard somewhere simply because it isn’t needed.

Wholesalers and retailers could engage more with each other to reduce wasted POS material.

While it’s helpful to plan in excess, it is also crucial to minimise as much waste as possible.

Sustainability in convenience retail can even stretch beyond in-store practices. Retailers whose storefronts have the space can promote sustainable transportation options for both employees and customers. 

This can include providing clear, easy to spot bike racks or even implementing electric vehicle charging stations outside of the store. 

All in all, retailers within our industry have the opportunity to lead the way in sustainability by implementing these practical measures. Reusable bags, alternative packaging and mindful ordering are only the beginning, but are also big steps in the right direction.


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