These Manifestos can be like roadmaps for convenience retailers, showing us what's on the horizon in terms of policies and regulations that can impact our businesses directly. 

With the Elections coming up so soon, it’s important that we shine a light on the parliamentary candidate’s electoral manifestos that affect the integrity and safety of our sector. 

These Manifestos can be like roadmaps for convenience retailers, showing us what’s on the horizon in terms of policies and regulations that can impact our businesses directly. 

By keeping an eye on these manifestos, shop owners can prepare for potential changes in rules, taxes, or support programs that might affect how they run their stores and make their profits.

Most importantly, we can prepare for the changes that are about to take place in our communities.

Keeping in the loop in regards to how candidates tackle crime, business rates/taxation, high streets, employment and public health issues can help retailers make more informed decisions- consequently influencing their local community, too.

Retailers can actively engage with local policymakers, advocate for community interests, and support initiatives that benefit the neighbourhood to help.

Informed perspectives can allow retailers to make these positive decisions mentioned above that impact the community, creating a more vibrant and connected local area for everyone involved.

Below are the manifestos of the candidates running for Conservative, Labour, Liberal Democrat, Reform and Green Party.

A couple of weeks ago, we discussed the idea of retailers inviting their local candidates to their stores, both educating and creating personal relationships with the customers within their area, through the Association Of Convenience Store’s #MyLocalShop campaign.

As mentioned before, it’s important to be in touch with those rallying to represent and lead our communities. 

Not only is it detrimental to our local societies, but it ensures a safe, fair and trusting environment; overall, a better world for people to live in. 

Jimmy’s Stores with Northampton North’s Labour Party Parliamentary Candidate, Lucy Rigby. 

Good going, Jimmy’s!

Overall, we know how easy it is to get lost in the electoral rush; many deem it useless to try and make a difference, opting for the ‘whatever happens, happens approach’. 

However, this usually boils down to the lack of knowledge and not knowing who or what to vote for- once again, emphasizing the importance of carefully going over what manifestos benefit you and your fellow retailers. Hopefully, we’ve helped you out a little bit in that aspect today! 



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